The health benefits of Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic Acid include alleviation of conditions like asthma, hair loss, allergies, stress and anxiety, respiratory disorders and heart problems. Also, it helps to improve immunity, osteoarthritis, ageing signs, resistance to various types of infections, physical growth, and diabetes and skin disorders.
Vitamin B5 is the key ingredient in the production of natural cortisone from the adrenal glands. Anyone who requires cortisone treatment maybe low in Vit. B5 as their adrenals are not functioning and are possibly damaged.
• Under stress, the adrenals release cortisone to breakdown proteins by damaging glands and organs to provide blood sugar. If the body does not have sufficient nutrients readily available to repair the damage, illness and disease will follow. Illness and disease is a symptom of the body's reaction to stress.
Vit. B5 is also a fundemental requirement in making the immune system effective and lack of this vitamin has been shown to create a deficiency of white blood cells, antibodies and the body's associated defense mechanisms.
Propolis Resina propoli
Some trees and conifers produce sticky resins as part of their immune system to defend themselves against disease. Honey bees collect these substances that ooze from the buds of these plants. After chewing them and mixing them with their saliva and other substances, Propolis is formed. This nutrient-rich substance is of vital importance for the survival of the honey bees in the beehive. It is created to sterilize the hive and protect it against diseases and infection.
Propolis contains approximately 50-70% resins, 30% wax, 10% etheric oils and 5% pollen. It is especially rich in amino acids, important for immune system function. It has a high vitamin content (Vitamin A (carotene), Vitamin B1, B2, B3, biotin) and is extremely rich in bioflavonoids (Vitamin P) which are believed to have numerous immune building properties and health benefits.
• Because of its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, this precious substance has been used as a healing agent for many centuries. It has the ability to provide protection against infectious invaders, promote healing and regeneration of tissue, and provides a superior source of energy and stamina. It has been used in ointments for healing cuts and wounds and shown to have outstanding value for a wide variety of illnesses. It is also used as a natural alternative to penicillin and other antibiotics.
• Note of Caution: Propolis is generally non-toxic, though allergic reactions such as skin rashes, swelling, redness, eczema or fever have been reported. As the effects of propolis during pregnancy and breast-feeding have not been sufficiently evaluated, women should not use it during these times unless directed to do so by a physician.
• It should not be used as a replacement for appropriate antibiotic prescription.
Salvia officinalis
When one is suffering from symptoms like sore throat, tonsillitis or loss of voice or from mucus accumulation leading to congested lungs, then Sage would be the best bet for providing rapid relief. Mothers keep producing extra milk, and this becomes completely unneeded when the babies are off the breast. This is when Sage can help; two cups of warm Sage tea a day for up to 7 days is quite capable of drying up the milk supply quite nicely.
Sage is often described as a digestive tonic, and as a stimulant, and in Chinese medicine, Sage enjoys a good reputation as a versatile nerve tonic, as it is used as a yin tonic for helping to calm and stimulate the nervous system. Sage is also an excellent remedy for treating irregular and light menstruation, and this is achieved by encouraging a better flow of blood. Sage is excellent for handling the various symptoms of menopause, as the herb is effective for reducing sweating, a primary indication of menopause. Sage, because it has a combination of tonic and estrogenic effects, is deemed as an excellent remedy for reducing hot flashes while at the same time helping the body to adapt to the hormonal changes involved.
• Sage successfully encourages the flow of bile and digestive enzymes, and settles one's stomach, Sage relieves flatulence, colic, colitis, indigestion, and nausea. It also proves extremely useful in treating and relieving liver complaints, and worms. Antiseptic properties of sage are helpful in infections such as gastroenteritis. The herb is a tonic to the nervous system and has often been used to enhance strength and vitality.
Sage contains;Volatile oil (thujone -about 50%) Diterpene bitters, Flavonoids, Phenolic acids, Tannins.
See Products : Essence of Wild SageOregaBiotic OregaRESP Sinu OregaTotal Body Purge
The Pumpkin C. pepo may well be one of the first species of cultivated plants in the new world, if the archaeological records in Mexico which go back to 8750 B.C. are to be believed.
Many important disease fighting nutrients are also found in large quantities in the flesh and pulp as well as the seeds of the Pumpkin, these includes the essential mineral potassium, the vitamin pantothenic acid, the essential mineral magnesium, and the important vitamins C and E aside from many other nutrients. Due to the presence of a synergistic combination of the class of organic compounds known as carotenoids in the Pumpkin, it is is considered to be one of the super foods in the plant kingdom in terms of its essential nutrient content alone. Pumpkin seeds also contain the essential mineral zinc and amino acids which aid in the long term treatment of BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) in the body. Only the symptoms produced by an enlarged prostate are treated by the Pumpkin, and the remedy is not capable of reducing an enlarged prostate gland itself.
• The use of the Pumpkin seeds in herbal medicine is mainly as a natural and safe de-worming agent, the seeds are able to rid the body of all intestinal helminthes and parasites when used properly. The treatment of pregnant women and children affected by infestation of tapeworms is effectively carried out using the Pumpkin seed remedy, as remedies which are stronger acting and far more toxic are unsuitable for such individuals - the Pumpkin seeds affect a chemical free and natural removal of the intestinal parasites with no side effects whatsoever.
Pumpkin seeds contain 30% unsaturated fixed oil (which includes linoleic and oleic fatty acids). The seeds also contain cucurbitacins, vitamins, and minerals, notably zinc.
Sumac Rhus coriaria
Recent research suggests that sumac has antioxidant properties. In one experiment, the drinking water of animals was supplemented with Sumac, and it was found that there was less oxidized DNA bases in their colons, livers, lungs and lymphocytes. Most importantly for diabetics and individuals at risk of diabetes, Sumac is particularly high in the trace mineral germanium. Sumac has long been used as a natural treatment for respiratory and chest problems, such as bronchitis, chest congestion, and cough. Only recently, studies pinpointed the components that contribute to its healing properties. It is high in volatile oil, including geraniol, borneo, carvacolo and thymol.
Sumac is used as a medicine since medieval times.
• Sumac leaves have antimicrobial properties.
• They are used in the treatment of hyperglycemia, obesity, and diabetes.
• Studies prove that sumac has antioxidant properties.
• Sumac leaves are used in the treatment of respiratory problems and chest infections like chest congestion cough, bronchitis etc. The high volatile oil content in Sumac is responsible for its effect on respiratory ailments.
• Sumac leaves boost heart health due to presence of high omega-3 fatty acids in them.
• The leaves are good for digestion too. Common digestion problems like acid reflux, fevers, irregular bowel movements, constipation can be relieved with Sumac.
• Anti-inflammatory effects of the leaves aid in alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases.
Chemical analysis of the Rose hips has shown that they contain 0.5% to 1.7% Vit C.
In addition to substantial proportions of Vit C, the Rose hips possess several other chemical amalgams which comprise 11 % of pectin and 3% of a blend of malic and citric acids.The leaves as well as the petals of the rose plant provide a comforting effect and if ingested as a tea, can diminish body temperature during high fevers. The tea prepared with Rose petals and leaves is also effective in cleansing toxins and heat from the body, particularly when they give rise to rashes on the skin with associated
inflammatory (swelling and irritation) problems.
• Several researched have shown that the Rose also possesses properties that increases the body's immunity and helps to restrict all kinds of infections from becoming larger problems. Rose hips as well as the petals of the rose flowers possess inspiring as well as reconditioning affects on the nervous system. They are also capable of alleviating the problems of insomnia, depression, fatigue and also offer comfort in conditions such as tetchiness.
The evergreen shrub originated in the Mediterranean area
The tonic, astringent, and diaphoretic properties of Rosemary (increasing perspiration) are widely recognized and acknowledged across the world.
Rosemary is often recommended especially for cases of low blood pressure.
Both the volatile oil and the other substances in Rosemary have been used as emmenagogues, which can be effective in stimulating menstrual flow. Almost all the physiological activity of Rosemary can be attributed to the volatile oil, which is present in the Rosemary leaves in concentrations ranging from 1% - 2.5 %. Camphor, cineole and borneol are all active compounds of the Rosemary and all these compounds possess an adequate amount of antibacterial properties. According to German health authorities, Rosemary can prove to be effective for bringing relief from indigestion. Rosemary can also be used as a supportive therapy for rheumatic disorders, and externally, Rosemary is acknowledged for its efficacy and success in the treatment of circulatory problems. Rosmarinus officinalis is also an herb that can circulate blood to the head, thereby aiding in better concentration and improving one's memory.
Long-term stress and chronic illnesses can also be treated with the Rosemary herb. Rosemary is thought to stimulate the adrenal glands, and it can be used specifically to treat debility and other similar ailments, and most especially if they are accompanied by poor digestion and circulation. The herb can also be used for a myriad of ailments such as anxiety, nervous tension, depression, exhaustion, insomnia, lethargy and as a rejuvenating tonic during convalescence and for the elderly people. The bitters present in Rosemary stimulate liver and gallbladder function, increasing the flow of bile and aiding digestion of fats. Rosemary contains - volatile oil (1-2%) containing borneol, camphene, camphor, cineole. Flavonoids (apigenin, diosmin), tannins. Rosmarinic acid. Diterpenes (picrosalvin)and Rosmaricine.
• experts often advise that if one is pregnant or experiencing certain difficulties (excess flow) with the menstrual cycle, it would be suggested to avoid taking Rosemary.
Royal Jelly is a creamy white substance synthesized by the common worker bee for the sole nourishment of the Queen bee and has been shown to provide a host of benefits to our health.It contains approximately 12% protein, 5-6% lipids and 12-15% carbohydrates. It's B Vitamin content is high, and with 17 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, it is a nutritious hormone-rich substance with a wide spectrum of potential benefits. Royal Jelly also contains around 15% aspartic acid, which is important for tissue growth, muscle and cell regeneration. In a recent study, scientists investigated the protective role of Royal Jelly as an antioxidant against cadmium, a highly toxic heavy metal that causes damage to your genes.Cadmium also induces oxidative damage in various tissues by altering your antioxidant defense systems. This tends to lead to sickness and premature aging. What the scientists found was that taking Royal Jelly significantly suppressed the gene damaging effects of this toxic substance and also boosted protective enzyme levels in the liver and kidneys.
Sacha Inchi oil is valued as a nutritional supplement because it contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it an excellent source for Omega 3 (alpha linolenic acid) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid). It contains no cholesterol. This oil is the perfect supplement for people that do not eat fish or enough Omega-rich vegetables. It contains antioxidants vitamin A and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol). It is high in protein, and rich in essential and non-essential amino acids that are important for good health.
• Sacha Inchi oil is highly digestible (96%), and does not cause gas or irritation, like some other oils. It contains no additives, or preservatives. Sacha Inchi has a distinctive, delicious flavor, and aroma. It is also an excellent dressing on salads and other foods...
Torula Yeast Candida utilis
Beneficial nutritional yeast does not contribute to yeast infections such as Candida albicans. Food yeasts are not infectious. Nutritional yeasts are not live yeast cells.
Torula Yeast is a derivative of molasses. It contains the full spectrum of B Vitamins, amino acids and selenium.
It also has essential minerals, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids Torula is an important source of methionine and lysine.